NFL Week 16 Pool Results

Melvin T. is this week’s football pool winner. Melvin ten picks tied with Kevin H and Jacob E, but Melvin came closer in the tie breaker.

According to USA Today, figgy pudding is “. . . in the British sense of the word, which means it is a steamed cakelike dessert. This particular Christmas version is traditionally made with suet (which is raw beef or mutton fat), eggs, brown sugar, breadcrumbs, spices, dried fruits and, last — but certainly not least — brandy.”

Other comments for this week:

  • Darren S.: “What is Stat Trek Scottieā€™s favorite whiskey? Jim Beam”
  • Herb K.: “Bah humbug”
  • Deb K copied and pasted “An Ode to a Fart” from the internet. Herb K. was probably her inspiration to do so.
  • Jamie W.: “What did one Christmas tree say to another? Lighten up!”

Make your picks for this week’s pool here.